Hello Foodies
Hi guys, thanks for jumping on our blog. Here you’ll find unique extracts related to everyone’s favourite thing, food!
While this is a culinary craft, it’s less likely you will find recipes on here. You may find us referring to other bloggers, YouTubers and chefs about cuisines, but we aim to provide culinary information which strays away from the norm.
Expect to find posts that delve into the food from less popular cultures, learn first-hand about tips on cooking, explore common food myths and just enjoy letting your mind be stimulated by enticing food content.
Who is this blog for?
You don’t have to be a superstar chef to enjoy this blog; we cater our content for all abilities. If you’re a novice and are looking for the next step up, then this blog is here to give you a helping hand. Similarly, if you cook for a profession, this blog will provide you with innovative ideas and inspiration to take your profession to the next level.
It’s truly for everyone who LOVES food.
This blog isn’t biased to just content from me; we will be featuring several writers on guest slots who will provide you with fresh insights into the world of food. After all, food is so broad it can’t be pinpointed into one category!
Also, we would hate it if you ended up looking for answers for hours on the net, searching food blogs, websites and books for your food-related answers.
Me and my team of writers are here to serve you and the foodies of the world. Our aim is not to churn out crappy content; we want to provide you with valuable and insightful stuff.
This is why if you don’t see anything riveting on our blog or lack what you look for, hit us up in the contact section with your request. We will happily devote our time to researching and composing credible content online to fulfil your hunger for food-related knowledge.
This is truly a community built blog, which means we wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for you. In a world obsessed with diet culture and body image, which we don’t want our kids to inherit, sometimes we tend to neglect the history and art of culinary culture.
We are all food snobs
Food is a science that combines agriculture, chemistry and nutrition. We’re not letting Biology, Physics, Psychology, Chemistry and all other sciences die out. The world is writing more about them and playing its part to evolve them. This is why we strive to compose content that pushes the boundaries of cuisines.
Actually, we’re food snobs. In fact, we’re all food snobs in our own way. Just think about it; we all have our unique interpretations, experiences and behaviours of food that’s entirely different from others.
But, do you think that wisdom is best kept to itself?
No! It deserves to be shared so we can all reap a wealth of knowledge from the food world. It’s for this reason we’re all for collaboration as opposed to competition.
You can comment and share your insights around each topic on our blog, allowing us to grow more. We don’t endorse criticism, but we’re open to interpretation to craft content that interests you.
How can you better this blog?
This site wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for you, and it won’t exist if you aren’t there to help us. We want your opinions, insights, guides, tutorials, videos and more. We encourage you to put your spin on the food world and help write content for us.
Most importantly, we’re here to craft stories of a high value and not one-sided. We’re proud of our diverse team of writers from different backgrounds, cultures, professions and diets ready to serve you content that teases your palette.